

  • Hüseyin Uğur Genç and Aykut Coşkun. 2020. Designing for Social Interaction in the Age of Excessive Smartphone Use In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘20). ACM. . ACM, New York, NY, US.
  • Mert Yıldız and Aykut Coşkun. 2020. “Time Perceptions” as a Material for Designing New Representations of Time. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’20). ACM, New York, NY, USA.
  • Oğuz ‘Oz’ Buruk, Oğuzhan Özcan, Gökçe Elif Baykal, Tilbe Göksun, Selçuk Acar, Güler Akduman, Mehmet Aydın Baytaş, Ceylan Beşevli, Joe Best, Aykut Coşkun, Hüseyin Uğur Genç, A. Baki Kocaballi, Samuli Laato, Cássia Mota, Konstantinos Papangelis, Marigo Raftopoulos, Richard Ramchurn, Juan Sádaba, Dr Mattia Thibault, Annika Wolff, Mert Yıldız. 2020. Children in 2077: Designing Children’s Technologies in the Age of Transhumanism. CHI’20 – Extended Abstracts (altCHI)



  • Coskun, A. (2019). Design for Long-Term Tracking: Insights from a Six-Month Field Study Exploring Users’ Experiences with Activity Trackers. The Design Journal, 22(5), 665-686.
  • Hayati Havlucu, Aykut Coşkun, and Oğuzhan Özcan. 2019. Specifying Relevant Textural Properties for Unobtrusive Feedback on Sports Performance.In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 165-171.
  • Hayati Havlucu, Aykut Coşkun, and Oğuzhan Özcan. 2019. Designing the Next Generation of Activity Trackers for Performance Sports: Insights from Elite Tennis Coaches. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA.
  • Mert Yıldız and Aykut Coşkun. 2019. Wwall: A Public Water Dispenser System to Motivate Regular Water Intake in the Office Environment. In Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion (DIS ’19 Companion). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 347-352. DOI:
  • Hüseyin Uğur Genç, Mert Yıldız, Hakan Yılmazer, and Aykut Coşkun. 2019. Stop Wasting, Start Tasting! Design Speculations for Reducing Food Waste in The Hospitality Sector. In Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion (DIS ’19 Companion). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 171-176. DOI:
  • Mert Yıldız, Deniz Hepdoğan, and Aykut Coşkun. 2019. Living Better with Water: Identifying Design Considerations for Products aimed at Motivating Regular Water Intake. In Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019 (IASDR ’19). Manchester, UK.
  • María Laura Ramírez Galleguillos, Ece Şekerli, and Aykut Coşkun. 2019. Ignite, Share and Reflect: Design Tactics to Foster Social Interactions Between Migrants and Locals in Istanbul. In Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019 (IASDR ’19). Manchester, UK.
  • María Laura Ramírez Galleguillos, Terry Eskenazi, and Aykut Coşkun. 2019. Does Roleplaying Facilitate a Holistic Perception of the User? An Exploratory Study on Simulating the Elderly Experience. In Proceedings of International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference 2019 (IASDR ’19). Manchester, UK.




  • Coşkun, A.(2018). Development and Evaluation of A New Studio-Based Course on Critical Design. Journal of Visual Art and Design, 10(2), 101-118.
  • Coskun, A. Kaner, G. & Bostan, I. (2018) “Is smart home a necessity or a fantasy for the mainstream user? A study on users’ expectations of smart household appliances”. International Journal of Design (Volume 12 Issue 1).
  • Hüseyin Uğur Genç, Fatoş Gökşen, and Aykut Coşkun. 2018. Are we ‘really’ connected?: understanding smartphone use during social interaction in public.In Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 880-885. DOI:
  • Havlucu,H., Eskenazi,T., Akgün,B., Onbaşlı,M.C., Coşkun,A., Özcan,O.(2018). Flow State Feedback Through Sports Wearables: A Case Study on Tennis. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’18). ACM, New York,NY,USA. DOI: [Google Metrics #10 in HCI Classification, h5-index:31, h5-median:42] (Acceptance rate: 25%)(Forthcoming)
  • Baytas, M. A., Coskun, A., Yantaç, A. E., & Fjeld, M. (2018) Towards Materials for Computational Heirlooms: Blockchains and Wristwatches, In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (pp. 43-55). ACM.
  • Kaner,G., Genç, H., Dinçer,S., Erdoğan, D., Coşkun, A. GROW: A Smart Bottle that Uses its Surface as an Ambient Display to Motivate Daily Water İntake. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘18).(Extended Abstract)




  • Aykut Coskun, Çiğdem Erbuğ. (2017). User orientation maps: an approach to address user diversity in design for sustainable behaviour. Design Journal 20.1, 131-152.
  • Robin Andersson, Jonas Berglund, Aykut Coskun, Morten Fjeld, & Mohammad  Obaid. (2017).  Defining Gestural Interactions for Large Vertical Touch Displays.  INTERACT 2017: The 16th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, September 25-29, 2017,  IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India (Forthcoming).
  • Gül Kaner., & Aykut Coşkun (2017). Collaborative design for Fashionable Wearables: A fashion system perspective. 7th Nordic Design Research Conference, 15 – 17 June 2017, AHO · Oslo, Norway (Forthcoming).
  • Hayati Havlucu, İdil Bostan, Aykut Coşkun, Oğuzhan Özcan. (2017). Understanding the Lonesome Tennis Players: Insights for Future Wearables. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM. (Forthcoming) [Google Metrics #1 in HCI Classification, h5-index:83, h5-median:122] (Acceptance rate: 38,7%)
  • Ramoglu, M., & Coskun, A. Scientific Craftsmanship: The changing role of product designers in the digital era. Design for Next: 12th EAD Conference. Sapienza University of Rome,12-14 April 2017.




  • Aykut Coskun, John Zimmerman, Çiğdem Erbug. (2015). Promoting sustainability through behavior change: a review. Design Studies (41) B, 183-204.