A Smart Bottle

Uses Its Surface as an Ambient Display to Motivate Daily Water Intake


Water is an essential nutrient for human health. However, individuals may ignore drinking enough water due to the rush of everyday life.  A conceptual smart bottle prototype is designed to encourage users to drink water regularly. Our concept utilizes bottle surface as an ambient display instead of a traditional screen-based display to give feedback. Grow tracks daily water intake through an embedded liquid level sensor. It gives positive, abstract, nonintrusive and aesthetic feedback through heating up different parts of a thermo-chromic print on its surface (a tree image).


GROW gives positiveabstractnon-intrusive and aesthetic feedback through heating up different parts of a thermo-chromic print on its surface.

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Grow provides unobtrusive feedback via thermochromic painted surface.

Water is an essential nutrient for human health.

Patent Pending

Project Members

Aykut Coşkun
Hüseyin Uğur Genç
Mert Yıldız
Hakan Yılmazer
Maria Laura Galleguillos

Deniz Erdoğan
Deniz Hepdoğan
Salih Berk Dinçer

Gül Kaner
Merve Yılmaz

Related Publications

Mert Yıldız, Deniz Hepdoğan, and Aykut Coşkun. 2019. Living Better with Water: Identifying Design Considerations for Products aimed at Motivating Regular Water Intake. IASDR 2019, Manchester, UK, 13 pages. DOI: upcoming

Gül Kaner, Hüseyin Uğur Genç, Salih Berk Dinçer, Deniz Erdoğan, and Aykut Coşkun. 2018. GROW: A Smart Bottle that Uses its Surface as an Ambient Display to Motivate Daily Water Intake. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper LBW077, 6 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3170427.3188521